Use Atl+Ctrl+T shortcut keys to open the vim-editor. I have placed a screen-shot of my own vim-editor.
It will show you something like this "<<name>>@<<company name>>-System-Product-Name:~$ "
As my name and company name both are "akhil" shows this.
You can edit text document, write c programs etc.. using this vim-editor.
vi editor also provides these functionalities but additional functionalities are added into vim-editor.
1: pwd -> this will return the present directory you are working i.e if you edit any document, save the document what ever is the manipulation you perform will be done in this directory.
2: LS -> this command will return you the list of file present in the present working directory.
3: cd -> this command is used to change the directory from one directory to another.
syntax is cd <<directory name>> ..
For example : you can see the files i have in my home directory. Its showing coursematerial, documents music, public etc ... To enter into coursematerial all i have to do is "cd coursematerial" and i will be in course material directory.. view my screen shot
- first i gave an ls command to see the list of files
- then i did a cd <<filename>>(here my filename is coursematerial).
- now its showing that i am in coursematerial directory observe :~/coursematerial.
- i again did a ls and it returned me the list of files inside coursematerial. Here i have two files kernelprogramming and userprogramming.
4: cd .. -> this command will come out of the present directory. cd followed by a space and two dots(..) i.e cd .. see the screen-shot it is clearly showing i exited from coursematerial directory.
5: mkdir -> this is quite a simple command to make a new directory. Its like creating a folder in windows.
syntax: mkdir <<directory name>>
here i am creating a directory with directory name as ""
you can clearly see the command i am using here. Initially when i do ls there is no directory with the name After i made a directory using the command mkdir and i again did a ls .Now you will find a diectory with the name ""
6: rmdir -> this command is use to remove any directory i.e delete any directory provided the directory must be empty.
syntax: rmdir <<directoryname>>
now i will delete the directory i have created just now using rmdir
7: rm -> this command can be used to remove any file you have created..
syntax: rm <<filename>>
NOTE:These commands are the very basic commands required for you to know through out the course. There are thousands of commands in LINUX i have only discussed a few which are presently required. I will discuss more commands when we come across them.
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